Joelson participates in the SRA (Solicitors Regulation Authority) biennial ‘Diversity in the Legal Profession’ data collection exercise. As part of this we are required to publish a summary of our workforce diversity data. Everyone who works at the firm is invited to complete the data collection exercise and in the most recent survey (June 2023), 70.2% of those eligible completed it.
Of those who completed the exercise:
This summary covers 7 areas of diversity data, listed below.
16-24 – (5.0%)
25-34 – (50.0%)
35-44 – (17.5%)
45-54 – (17.5%)
55+ – (7.5%)
Prefer not to say – (2.5)
47.5% are male
52.5% are female
97.5% identify with the same gender as their sex registered at birth
5.0% of those who responded consider themselves to have a disability according to the definition in the Equality Act 2010.
(The Equality Act defines a disabled person as someone who has a mental or physical impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on the person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities).
52.5% of respondents are white and British English/Welsh/Northern Irish/Scottish
12.5% are any other white background
27.5% are Asian/Asian British
2.5% are Mixed/Multiple ethnic group
5.0% are Black/Black British – African
47.5% have no religion or belief
15% are Christian
12.5% are Jewish
7.5% are Muslim
7.5% are Hindu
2.5% are Sikh
7.5% are other religions or prefer not to say
35.0% attended a fee paying school
37.5% attended a state-run or state-funded school (non selective)
17.5% attended a state-run or state-funded school (selective on faith, academic or other grounds)
7.5% attended a school outside of the UK
2.5% attended an independent / fee-paying school, where they received a bursary covering 90% or more
52.5% of respondents’ parents did not attend university by the time they were 18
45.0% of respondents’ parent’s did attend university by the time they were 18
2.5% did not know or preferred not to say
Primary carer for children
20.0% of respondents have primary carer responsibilities for a child under 18
Caring for someone with long term physical or mental ill health caused by disability or age
5.0% of respondents look after someone with long term physical or mental ill health caused by disability or age (not in a paid capacity) (between 1-19 hours a week and 20-49 hours per week)
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