Tuesday 19th March 2024 at 9:00 am
Joelson are proud that this event is powered by Joelson.
There are over 350,000 foodservice outlets in the UK with business worth £69B. The category includes anywhere people eat prepared foods outside of their home like full-service restaurants, cafes, fast-food outlets, caterers, airlines, pubs, hotels and more.
You’ll learn what the food industry is and how to take advantage of it – topics will cover logistics, commercial expectations & you can see if it’s right for your food or drink brand. For those actively interested in expanding you will learn how to break into foodservice and get in front of key distributors, buyers, major players, and more at the event.
At Joelson, we recognise the importance of helping others and putting something back into the community. We have a history of fundraising for good causes and this year Joelson is proud to be supporting City Harvest.